Monday, March 24, 2008

This one's for you, Cara...

This was attached to a news article online this morning. I thought it was BEAUTIFUL!! I only wish I had taken it myself!! I love the springtime. I hope that we'll be able to go for drives this year to look at all the wonderful wildflowers.

(By the way, this is a bluebonnet photographed from above...)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Per your request...

Here are my boys: Michael, Harley, and Chopper.
Aren't they so cute when they are sleeping?

This is Chopper's favorite spot. We like to call him Parrot.

This is Harley's favorite position. Considering we never feed him when he does this, you'd think he'd eventually stop trying...

This is what they do when it smells REALLY good (like the can of tuna Mike's eating). Harley will start whining like he's starved to death.

And this is the madness at my mother-in-law's house when we visit. She has four, so there's six altogether. We tried to take them to the lake once. What a spectacle!

...the much anticipated wedding photos. The photographers gave us 2 discs with everything on them. It's close to 900 pictures, so here are just a few.

I'm not really holding my boobs...

This is me with my stepfather, Ken.


So here was the snow at it's heaviest. Also, this is as far as the pups would go into the yard. And the last pic, you can barely tell, is the surprise Harley found in the kitchen on the coldest night. This was taken AFTER it was disposed of and moved out of the reach of curious doggies.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

And Snow Again!

Today, it hit again! The flakes just keep getting bigger and bigger. An hour ago, it was maybe an inch in diameter, but now I bet it's 2 inches! I've tried to take pictures--that big blob on my glove is one flake. As I stood there waiting for one to land on my hand, it was landing all over the rest of me. It's like little snowballs falling. I wish I could get the pups out there so you could really see, but they won't. I'll keep trying. It looks like ashes from a brush fire. Stay warm!!


So this is what it looked like the next morning!! I don't remember the last time I saw this much snow. It got back up into the 50s that same afternoon and yesterday!

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...Wait, isn't this March?

This is what it looked like when I went to bed (that's snow). Twenty-four hours earlier it had been in the lower 70s. Needless to say, my younger (and more hairless) weenie would NOT go outside to pee in the snow. That little tail stayed tucked between his legs each time I tried. Guess I should have pulled out the sweaters!