Monday, May 26, 2008


This was taken when my dad was a DJ when I was a little girl.

This was my dad and I at Disneyland.

This was a picture at my brother's HS graduation party at church, 4 days before we lost him and 14 days before John's graduation.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today marks 10 years since my father passed away. I've thought about him a lot lately, partly because I can't believe a decade has gone by and partly because I just got married without him. It's amazing how life just goes on. You don't see how it can at the time, but it does. Time doesn't make it easier to think about, but at least you know you will make it through. I miss him and wish he was here, but I know that my life would not be what it is if he were. I doubt that I would have ever moved to Dallas and met Mike if he were, so I can't say I wish it hadn't happened. But I still miss him.

I will add some pictures when I get home tonight. This time I mean it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Great Way To Share Good News

Thought I'd share this. My sister-in-law sent it out a couple of months ago. It always brings a smile to my face!

Hopefully tonight I'll get some new pictures uploaded and show you all how our house is looking!