Friday, February 27, 2009

Latest Chapter in the Truck Wreck Saga

We found out yesterday that the driver of the car who hit us is not the owner of that vehicle, nor did he have a driver's license. The owner's insurance company has been unsuccessful in contacting the owner or the driver, and they are telling us that they don't know if the driver was covered by the insurance. Our insurance has totalled out the car and is handling as much as possible, but we're at the point where we don't know if we need to get a lawyer or not. As it is, probably the only way we will be able to get another vehicle is by cashing out my 401K (which I just found out is LESS than was it was on my year-end statement I just received--no surprise, really). Please continue with the prayers.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

On a brighter note...

We enjoyed a beautiful sunset on Friday the 13th. I need to remember next time to walk to the north end of our subdivision. There is a church across from an open field, and I would love to catch its silhouette in the sunset one evening.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just when things start looking up... throws you a curve--or a crash in our case. We're thankful to be alive, thankful we purchased GAP insurance, but don't know where the money will come from for another car. Our credit is not a good as it was last year when we purchased this one, and it wasn't very good then, either. Please keep us in your prayers as we figure out what we can do.