Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This is the first time we've stayed home on a major holiday and cooked for ourselves. It was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed cooking together and taking the pups on 2 long walks.

This was the mess from our day of cooking:

That's literally all the counter space we have. We plan to build in another row of cabinets at some point in the future. It's on our "when we have money" list.

Halloween 2009

Our neighbors planted corn in their garden this past spring. With all the birds flying south for winter, this is the scene we left to each morning. It felt like Hitchcock's movie "The Birds."

So we decorated this year for Halloween. Then it rained for 3 days and the spider webs got all gross! We had fun anyway.

You can't see it, but there are bats hanging from the basket crooks behind the trick-or-treaters.

No dressing up this year. Maybe we'll get to that next year!