Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Taxes, anyone?

Am I the only one who hasn't gotten around to doing their taxes yet?

Mike is really on my case to get this done. I keep telling him not to worry--I WILL have them out the door by the 15th. But when you're working 11-12 hour days, then still driving 45 minutes home, cooking dinner, giving the dogs attention, etc, it's hard to remember to find what I need to finish them up!!!

I usually don't wait this long, but with moving and getting married, I haven't kept up with my Avon expenses like I should have. I've got 7 days, what's the hurry? : )

(I'm just full of excuses, aren't I?)


Eckmama said...

Yes, I think you're the last one. We did our taxes at the first of February, as soon as we had all our paperwork. We like doing our taxes--when you have 18 kids you get a pretty good refund.

Sascha Terry said...

what you need is a sweet plan like mine. move to another country and get your father-in-law to do them for you! (I do always feel guilty about it, but he actually seems to like doing them)

Eckmama said...

so did you get your taxes done?