Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Down in the Dumps

Today I'm having a "woe is me" day. Mike has been out of work since the end of April and our savings is just about gone. I'm finally in worry mode. I'm the positive thinker in the family, and I'm running out of ability to stay positive for the both of us. How can I keep encouraging him if I'm having doubts myself? I just want to cry. I'm starting to think about finding a 2nd job again myself. I had really hoped those days were behind me. Please keep us in your prayers.


JessBless said...

Hang in there sweet girl!!! The devil is the only one that is happy when you are sad. Just remember that God, your family, and a world full of friends love you. God will pull you through this, just make sure you keep looking "up" to see his hand. Love you!!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea anything was going on. Please let us know how we can help you get through this tough season. We love you so much! Sabrina